Wednesday 4 October 2017

Toddler Favourites- September 2017

September is over and gone already- and boy did it go fast. We were gone for a week in Great Yarmouth, Isla started attending a playgroup every  and we've had barely five minutes to stop and notice we're now in October.

A lot of the things Isla has talked about and enjoyed this month were discovered on our holiday! It was the first one we've been on where she actually understood what was going on and we had a wonderful time. With that said, here are Isla's favourite's from September.

1. The Aquarium

Watching penguins at the aquarium.

During our trip to Yarmouth, we visited the Sea Life Aquarium. We've been to pretty much all their branches now it feels like! Isla was always quite young though and didn't overly get the point before, but this visit she was loving life. She ran around collecting stamps, learning, and searching for Nemo and Dory who we found at the end. It was weeks ago and she's still talking about it like it was the best day of her life. I'll be doing a post about the aquarium later this month.

2. The Clever Sleeping Bag

We stayed in a static on our holiday, and with the adult to child ratio... Isla ended up needing to be in a travel cot. Some toddlers her age are still in cots and use the travel version, but she's been using a big girl bed since around 18 months old so we spent months looking out for a travel alternative comfier than a sleeping bag. We found this- and honestly it's amazing. She was comfy and warm and it's the perfect size for 2-5 year olds. It wraps up compact and she loves the fact it has ponies on it.

3. Magazines

Mostly because of the gifts, but she does get a good kick from the pictures and stickers too! Isla got several magazines this month- Peter Rabbit, and a Swashbuckle one being her favourites. She finally got her hands on some "Gem's Jewels" (Swashbuckle fans will know) thanks to that mag and they were great for quiet time on our holiday too.

What're your little ones enjoying at the moment? Let me know!


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